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ContentExplore a world of live learning with Global KnowledgeThe pathway to AI, Data Science, and Cloud Computing.CertificationsTopicsAzure Fundamentals (AZ-NetCom+ Learning Subscription Passing the MS-900 exam will earn you the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals certification, which demonstrates your understanding of Microsoft 365 services and cloud computing concepts. This certification is a good starting point for anyone looking to build a career in cloud computing or Microsoft 365 services. Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of machine learning...

ContentWant to learn more about collaborative software development?ProductsKnow Your Team NeedsCollaborative software It includes the ability to host online meetings with the option to mute, remove uninvited attendees, and designate presenters and participants. We’ll share the usage distribution and provide an overview of the top 3 tools in each category. Use the links below if you’re particularly interested in a specific category.With GitHub Packages, it is possible to safely publish and consume packages within an organization or...